Clarence Regional Library has libraries in Bellingen, Dorrigo, Grafton, Iluka, Maclean, Urunga, and Yamba plus a Mobile Library operating out of Grafton Library.

Our Purpose

Welcoming, friendly and free, our libraries are a trusted window to the world. A platform for creativity, knowledge, learning, reading, and a safe place for community connection.

Our Vision

 A treasured place in the minds and hearts of our communities, CRL libraries support growth, learning, community resilience and inclusion by:

  •  standing up for free access to knowledge, ideas and information
  •  offering flexible, multipurpose spaces in which to meet, learn, rest and play
  •  preserving the past; shaping the future
  •  being a trusted partner for all kinds of learning and creative endeavours.

Not yet a library member?

Visit your nearest branch today or fill in our online form.

Did you Know….?


Clarence Regional Library - 2018-19 highlights crl-highlights-2014-15