Libraries are no longer just about books!

Technology now plays a large part in the way libraries engage with their communities  – enabling you to access our catalogue from home or download eBooks or eMagazines while on holidays.  Explore a range of new technology features now available at the Grafton Library. 

DIY LoansDIY Loans

The library now has two Self Loan kiosks.

No longer do you have to wait in a queue, these kiosks will allow library members to quickly issue and renew items themselves.

Just touch the kiosk screen and place your library card under the scanner. Select the option to issue your library items and then place your books on the scanning mat.  Once they are checked out to you, exit from the screen and collect your receipt.

Teens ChillOut Gaming Zone

140424_DAV7380a Grafton library now has a dedicated area to provide both study and recreational activities for young people of the Clarence Valley.

As part of this area, the library provides access to an Xbox One  and PS4 gaming console, each with a range of games available to play with your friends.

Digital Microfilm Reader/Printers

For library members interested in research in their family history, the library provides access to two digital microfilm reader/printers. 

You can use these readers to search early editions of local newspapers held on microfilm, these including ‘The Daily Examiner’.microfilm reader/printers

Or, discover ‘where you came from’ using the library’s microfilm resources from the State Archive Kit. This kit provides early colonial records relating to convicts, passengers shipping lists, birth, death and marriages and much more.


Oral History Sound Dome

Find out what Grafton was like over 50 years ago.  As part of a U3A Reflections on the Clarence oral history project, many well-known

Grafton identities were interviewed to provide an oral history record of growing up and living in the Clarence Valley.

Using our new Sound Dome at the library, you can listen to them talk about their lives, their families and Grafton’s historical past.Sound Dome