
Grafton Regional Gallery. Lindt Collection. Photo #11.

In 1873 and 1874 German-born, Grafton-based photographer John William Lindt took a series of photos of some First Nations residents of the Clarence Valley. In 2004 an album of 37 photographs (32 of which contain First Nations people) were bought at auction by Sydney philanthropists, Sam and Janet Cullen, and donated to the Clarence Valley community. They are held at the Grafton Regional Gallery. Click to view John William Lindt photograph online collection>>

Breimba – Looking for you: Lindt Research Project

In October 2014 commenced a seven-month research project, Breimba – Looking for you: Lindt Research Project.  The project’s aims and directions have been overseen by the Lindt Research Group, a committee of local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community members who have an interest in the identities of the First Nations people in the Lindt photographs. Jude McBean, Director of the Grafton Regional Gallery, administered the project. Dr Eliza Kent, UNE, was the research supervisor of the research team, consisting of Annika Korsgaard (lead researcher) and Roberta Skinner (research assistant).

Click to view the Breimba – Looking for you: Lindt Research Project>>

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Further documentation about the First Nations families associated with the Lindt Research Project including births, marriages and death certificates, historic news articles, photographs, family trees, private family archives can be access at the Grafton Library.