Jacaranda colouring in comp 2024

  Your Library is hosting a Jacaranda Colouring in Comp! Join us in celebrating the Jacaranda season by completing one of our colouring sheets to go in the running to win an exciting prize! There are three age categories (0-3, 4-9, 10+) and two designs to choose from. Colouring-in entry forms can be picked up…

Monthly Feature – Amplify

Are you interested in delving into the past of the Clarence Valley? Did you know that you can help preserve the history of the Clarence Valley and beyond? April is the perfect opportunity to connect with the history of our local area – we are celebrating both Plunge and the heritage festival. Come along to…

Monthly Feature – HUBLIO

The library is for you, and it’s about time we let you take control of your collections. Check out Hublio, It’s a tool that helps your library get new books and DVD’s that you want to read and watch. Hublio is a tool for our community—it’s driven by you and your fellow book lovers. For…

Vintage Film Club streaming into your Library!

Your monthly film club is now at your Grafton, Iluka, Bellingen, Dorrigo and Urunga libraries with the help of Beamafilm, the library movie streaming platform (also accessible for FREE from home with your library card). Join us at the below locations for our monthly film screenings, light refreshments 15 minutes before the film begins and…

The story of Bellingen Shire’s People’s Library  

by Simona Galimberti, People’s Library Coordinator  Who would have gathered 2020 to be what it has been thus far? When I walked into the Bellingen Library in 2019 with the dream to start a storytime for adults and teenagers aimed at creating social connectedness via the art of oral storytelling I did not plan for…

Two super new additions to the library collection

Clarence Regional Library is expanding its collection with two super new additions – dyslexic friendly books and indyreads. This week Clarence Valley libraries introduced dyslexic print books to its collection including 190 children’s titles and 80 adult titles. “These books are printed with a font designed to alleviate some of the difficulties typically reported by…

Library fines are going, going, GONE!

Despite library closures across the nation, Clarence Regional Library is celebrating some good news this week. The library service will no longer charge overdue fees for late returns and an amnesty is in place to wipe existing overdue fees. “We’re really excited to share this good news with our members,” Regional Librarian, Kathryn Breward said.…

Haynes AllAccess car & motorbike manuals

Need some help fixing your car? As part of our eResource Collection your library card can now access over 350 online manuals covering car, motorcycle maintenance and repair using your mobile device or computer. Haynes AllAccess online covers a range of popular makes and models, with up-to-date content including common repairs, routine maintenance and servicing